• Question: What is your favourite thing about space?

    Asked by jess.i.am to Heather, Helen, Hugh, Jane, Julian on 16 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Julian Onions

      Julian Onions answered on 16 Nov 2014:

      I’m not really sure. I’m fascinated by all aspects of it. The fact that we can understand how things like distant stars and galaxies work, despite not being able to touch them in any way I think is amazing.

      For me, I think a lot of it is the pursuit of knowledge and understanding how things work. I love to know how things work, and that applies to stars and the universe, because, well – what is bigger than that!

    • Photo: Heather Campbell

      Heather Campbell answered on 16 Nov 2014:

      I think my favourite thing about space is the amazing images we get of other galaxies.
      They look so beautiful but can also tell us so much about what’s happening in the galaxies. Regions where stars are forming, how much gas and dust is there, how old the galaxy is and many other interesting things.

    • Photo: Helen Johnson

      Helen Johnson answered on 16 Nov 2014:

      Hi Jess 🙂 I think what I like about space is that it’s so extreme – so big, with such high energy phenomena… black holes, exploding stars, cluster of galaxies, galaxy mergers. I’m fascinated that we know so much about where we came from, how the Universe all came together. It feels like a privilege that when I look up at the stars at night, I see much more than just pretty twinkling lights – I know what they are and how they work. Yet at the same time there’s still a great deal of mystery, so much we still need to work out – this is what makes it truly fun!
