• Question: Helen: have we got any other space probes out there waiting to meet their destination?

    Asked by elena to Helen on 18 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Helen Johnson

      Helen Johnson answered on 18 Nov 2014:

      Hi Elena 😀
      There are quite a few actually! Take a look at this page that summarizes them all: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_active_Solar_System_probes
      The major ones are New Horizons – on its way out to reach Pluto by July – and Juno – which will reach Jupiter in 2016! Neither of these probes will land, they’ll just orbit the planets to collect data. There’s also a spacecraft looking at asteroids, and that will study Ceres – the largest body in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter – now classified as a dwarf planet like Pluto.
