• Question: Do you think that we will ever having anything that can fly? eg. hover boards and flying cars

    Asked by Goodwin to Heather, Helen, Hugh, Jane, Julian on 12 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Julian Onions

      Julian Onions answered on 12 Nov 2014:

      I’m sure it will come. I wonder if they’ll just let anyone use a flying car though – with all the traffic accidents we have, they would be much worse in flying cars.

      Someone has just a few days ago made a hover board, and is hoping to sell them.

    • Photo: Helen Johnson

      Helen Johnson answered on 12 Nov 2014:

      Brilliant Julian – I’d love to hover-board my way to work in a morning!
      I think we definitely have the technology to be able to create flying cars.. but perhaps not in a way that everyone could afford one, or that would be safe. I think if we’ve been able to get a Space Shuttle into space many, many times then this stuff shouldn’t be too hard 😉
